Hi, I just wanted to take this moment to say welcome to my site.
I hope you enjoy your visit here as much as I haved building these pages.
I wanted to make this site fun and entertaining
as well as reflecting life in a brighter light.
The things I learned in life is there's never a tomorrow, it just may be too late!
Always tell someone today you love them...
and always when you feel a little down,
say something postive to yourself...and never forget, that your special!
I started this site around March - April of 2001, never expected to receive as many hits as I haved in a very short time period. I then decided it's time for a change on this site and give it a whole new look, with a little time I accomplished that goal...my friends, I bring to you a whole new look filled with fun and entertaining ideas.
Take a moment and send me an e-mail, even if it's just to say hello.

Again, I thank you for visiting!